

+7 (982) 615-55-22

+7 (982) 615-55-22

Kindergarten and primary school "Soglasie" is an international network of children's educational institutions, including 23 own branches in Russia and Turkey.

This is a modern educational environment for children. It was created so that parents could entrust their child to professionals who are able to ensure a safe stay of the child, high-quality education and harmonious development.

"Soglasie" in numbers

Branches in Russia (Moscow, Yekaterinburg, Sochi) and in Turkey
Work experience in the field of education since 1992
The number of graduates of the kindergarten "Soglasie"
The number of graduates of the school "Soglasie"

We have something to be proud of!

  • Time-tested professionalism
    Experience working with children - more than 30 years (since 1992).
    Kindergarten and school "Soglasie" is "The best private educational institution in Russia", winner of the All-Russian competition "One hundred best enterprises and organizations of Russia" in the nomination "The best educational institution".
  • Safety
    Closed protected area. Video surveillance.
    Compliance with all sanitary and fire safety standards.
    Transfer on request. Employees of the kindergarten-school have diplomas of higher education, sanitary books, certificates of no criminal record.
  • Strong team
    A strong corporate culture, history and brand of the company allow us to attract caring and sensitive teachers. All our employees are trained at a corporate university, they pass certification every six months. Highly qualified personnel from the Russian Federation with more than 10 years of experience. Teaching in 3 languages: Russian, Turkish and English.
  • Comfortable conditions for children's stay
    Kindergarten and school "Soglasie" is located in one of the most prestigious areas in the center of Alanya. A guarded courtyard with landscaped playgrounds and sports grounds, an open-air recreation area. The kindergarten-school is designed and equipped in accordance with the requirements of sanitary, environmental and fire safety. Separate bedrooms for boys and girls.
  • Educational program
    Intellectual, athletic development and aesthetic education. A unique author's program for identifying and developing the giftedness of each child. High-quality education based on the traditions of classical pedagogy and modern teaching methods developed by the methodological council of the kindergarten-school "Consent". In-depth study of 3 languages: Russian, Turkish and English.
  • Individual menu and wellness program
    A system of wellness activities aimed at strengthening the immunity of babies. Individual menu taking into account the characteristics of the child (food for allergy sufferers). Full-time nurse all day. Physical development of children: morning gymnastics, physical education on the street
    and in the gym, children's yoga, breathing exercises, motor warm-ups, tempering activities.
  • Modern furniture and gaming equipment
    A unique design space. Spacious groups for 15 children. Equipment and toys in accordance with sanitary standards.
  • Financial conditions
    We accept payment with maternity capital in full or in part. It is possible to pay for a child from a legal entity by bank transfer.
Our mission
Our kindergarten and primary school were founded in 1992.
For more than 30 years we have been trying to give children a quality education in a comfortable psychological environment. We help every child to find their own way of development. "Soglasie" for us is a big family, and we try to do everything so that children grow up in an atmosphere of goodwill and harmony and would be happy.

Our mission

Our kindergarten and primary school were founded in 1992.
For more than 30 years we have been trying to give children a quality education in a comfortable psychological environment. We help every child to find their own way of development. "Soglasie" for us is a big family, and we try to do everything so that children grow up in an atmosphere of goodwill and harmony and would be happy.
Construction and Real Estate Company
MMT Tunc Group

Our partner

Advantages of studying in kindergarten and school "Soglasie"

  • group occupancy – up to 15 children
  • individual menu for medical reasons
  • two walks during the day
  • medical and psychological and speech therapy support
  • staff nurse all day

  • regular consultations for parents with all teachers involved in the education and development of the child
  • individual consultations with a psychologist and speech therapist
  • open days
  • reporting concerts and holidays
  • participation in international intellectual and creative competitions
  • we work 5 days a week from 08.00 to 18.30 h
  • from 18.00 h. to 20.00 h. it is possible to leave with the duty tutor
  • hourly stay and kindergarten attendance part-time or several times a week.

The educational program of the kindergarten and elementary school

Comprehensive intellectual, sports development and aesthetic education. The educational program is compiled in accordance with Russian education standards. Classes for Russian-speaking children are taught by specialists from Russia and Turkey with extensive work experience. Classes are designed in accordance with the age characteristics of children and include elements of play activities, author's and innovative techniques. Quality control of education from Russian specialists is provided.
  • Mathematics and Logic
    Children learn to distinguish objects by shape, size, color, number of details, learn to separate parts from the whole and connect them together, master counting and measurement, solve logical problems and puzzles.
  • Theory of inventive problem solving
    Teachers use a non-standard approach to learning. With the help of creative techniques, children learn to solve complex logical problems, develop their imagination
  • Neuropsychology
    Development of mental processes (perception, attention, thinking, memory, imagination); development of visual-motor coordination, large and small motor skills. The use of neuro simulators.
  • Chess
    In the process of studying chess, there is an active development of logical and abstract thinking, the ability to concentrate, memory improves, emotional stability, firm will, determination and desire to win are formed.
  • Eidetics
    This is a teaching technique that develops the ability to think in images, teaches methods of memorizing information, promotes the development of imagination.
  • Lego construction
    and robotics
    Development of engineering skills, creative technical thinking, development of fine motor skills and logic, ability to work in a team.
  • Speech development and working out of reading techniques
    We develop children's literary speech, the ability to communicate and confidently speak in public, and teach them to read.
  • Visual activity
    Children learn to draw, sculpt, make applications, master various techniques, learn to understand works of art, develop imagination and artistic abilities.
  • Music
    and vocal classes
    Fostering interest in musical activity, the development of musical abilities are the main tasks of our classes.
  • Cognitive and research
    Children actively develop their creative and intellectual potential when getting acquainted with the world around them.
  • Physical development
    These are daily classes in the form of a game: morning gymnastics, physical education on the street and in the gym, children's yoga, breathing exercises, motor warm-ups, tempering activities, sports exercises on a walk.
  • Foreign languages
    Children learn 3 languages: Russian, English and Turkish. Classes are held in a playful way with techniques aimed at memorizing new words and grammatical structures.
  • Etiquette
    Classes open up a world of important rules and useful skills for children that will help them feel confident in any situation.
  • Choreography
    Children learn to hear music and relate it to movement, develop a sense of rhythm. The result of regular dancing classes is a beautiful and correct posture, a toned and flexible body.

A unique program for the identification and development of giftedness

Upon admission to kindergarten, the child is tested, according to the results of which an individual development program is developed. Teachers and educators identify the talents of the child, develop intelligence, creativity. Our methodologists and psychologists use modern interactive and gaming technologies, various methods and techniques, individual forms of work with children to develop their potential.


Our interior and classes

Our team

Frequent questions

We tried to collect answers to frequently asked questions from parents.
To ask a question, you can call us by phone: +7 (982) 615-55-22.

Frequent questions

We tried to collect answers to frequently asked questions from parents.
To ask a question, you can call us by phone: +7 (982) 615-55-22.
Sign up for a guided tour
Before enrolling a child in a group, you can get acquainted with the kindergarten and school, conditions and atmosphere. Leave your contact details, we will contact you.
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+7 (982) 615-55-22
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